Clay Pottery - A 7,000-yr Old Tradition
Clay pottery is a tradition common to many cultures worldwide. This project focuses on Romania which since Neolithic times has been defined as a clay and wood culture. The making of clay pottery is a skill and art that survives into the present through the work of "knowledge keepers." These include museum curators and collectors who protect and display artifacts, ethnographers who record folk custom over time, and practitioners who maintain millennnia-old traditional methods.
The story will be released in an interactive mixed media format for desktop, laptop and tablet access.
Producer: Dan Dimancescu
Director: Kyle Brandse
Dir. of Photography: Nora Agapi
Writer: Reed Karaim
Graphics/Animations: Dan Marino
The project is being developed in collaboration with:
- The National Geographic Magazine (Romania Edition)
- UNESCO's International Traditional Knowledge Institute (Florence, Italy) see
- The Maria Nobrega Foundation
- The Heritage Channel
Top: Map showing locations of overnight (RED) and interviews (YELLOW)
Click on images for 'making of' scenes
July 2013